“globie Content”
means all works created, published and/or owned by globie including, without limitation, official characters, models, images and illustrations, videos (including clip videos), live contents, scenarios, music and sound recordings.
“User-Created Content”
means original works created by globie users inspired by or incorporating elements of globie Content. To be considered User-Created Content, the works must substantially transform, modify or adapt globie Content, and any work without any original creativity by globie users does not fall under User-Created Content.
“Video Reproductions”
means any User-Created Content which incorporates any audio or video footage created, published and/or owned by globie including, without limitation, live broadcasts by any globie performers.
“Fan Activities”
means any activity conducted by individuals or unincorporated organizations whereby User-Created Content is freely distributed via physical or digital means without the purpose of making a profit. To be considered a Fan Activity, (i) the activity must be conducted without the purpose of making a profit, (ii) any User-Created Content must be distributed for free or, if distributed for value, in exchange for small amounts, as further defined below, such as the actual price of raw materials or other actually paid costs incurred in production of the User-Created Content and (iii) any User-Created Content must be created and used solely for the globie user’s personal interest and must not be used for advertisement for any goods or services. If any of the above requirements is not satisfied, globie users need to obtain prior permission of globie through a separate application.
“Small amounts” mentioned in (ii) above is satisfied if it meets the following requirements depending on the situation.
A. When exhibiting at an event and selling fan magazines and fan goods.
The total number of products to be sold in one event must not exceed 500 units and the estimated sales amount (the number of products produced x sales price (excluding tax)) in one event must not exceed GBP 2,500. “One event” mentioned in the foregoing means: (a) an in-person event that is held during a specified period; and (b) a sale of the remaining inventory of the forementioned in-person event at a fan EC website or fan shop. The total units and estimated sales amount of (a) and (b) must satisfy the above requirements.
B. When selling fan magazines and fan goods without exhibiting at an event.
The total number of products to be sold during a year must not exceed 250 units and the estimated sales amount (number of products produced x sales price (excluding tax)) during a year must not exceed GBP 1,250. In the case where the estimated number of sales cannot be specified in advance and the number of sales during a year is likely to exceed 250 units, globie users must either discontinue the sale or obtain an approval from globie through a separate application.
C. For activities that do not involve publications, etc. and generate a small amount of revenue.
The estimated sales amount must not exceed GBP 1,250 in total sales during a year.
This category includes: (a) activities in which a request to write is made through the service and compensation is paid; and (b) distribution of works in a closed community through paid subscription services in compliance with these guidelines. If it is difficult to calculate the estimated sales amount (such as in a case of paid subscription service), please make sure to submit an application for an approval of globie in advance.
If globie users wish to produce works in excess of the stipulated conditions in each activity listed in A, B and C above, our decision will be made based on the globie user’s advance application and our assessment. This decision is made based comprehensively on, amongst others, the production quantity of the work, the sales price of the work, the nature of the work, the usual content of the activity, etc., and globie may give globie users conditional permission (e.g., limitation on the number of sale, expected sales amount, etc.) or request globie users to discontinue the sale. For advance application, please fill in and submit the designated form. Please note that it may take up to five business days for a response
Any activity that is conducted for the globie user’s personal interest and does not generate any revenue is permissible as a non-profit fan activity. The typical examples for such non-profit fan activity include:
- Cosplay activity that does not involve sale of photos, etc. for a fee.
- Printing on car bodies, etc. that does not involve sale of photos, etc. for a fee. However, use of globie Content itself without creative and substantial transformation, modification or adaptation is not permissible.
However, globie asks globie users to contact us in advance using the designated form for the following activity, even if it does not generate any income:
- Supporting advertisements using Use-Created Content in non-profit fan activity, such as at train stations and on street screens, etc.