Sarugaku Leon Jr. has arrived!

Our 7th globie member, Sarugaku Leon Jr. has been unveiled.

Our 7th and final globie 1st Gen member, Sarugaku Leon Jr. has been unveiled. Leon is our very own cheeky MONKEY, check out his character design on the globie site and follow all his socials.
His streaming debut will begin early next month!


Pippa Pebblesworth has arrived!

Our 6th globie member, Pippa Pebblesworth has been unveiled.

Our 6th globie member, Pippa Pebblesworth has been unveiled. Pippa is a happy and hungry PENGUIN, check out her character design on the globie site and follow all her socials.
Her streaming debut will begin early next month!


Obari Luca has arrived!

Our 5th globie member, Obari Luca has been unveiled.

Our 5th globie member, Obari Luca has been unveiled. Luca may look spiky and edgy, but he is SCORPION with a heart of gold, check out his character design on the globie site and follow all his socials.
His streaming debut will begin early next month!


Taring Hu has arrived!

Our 4th globie member, Taring Hu has been unveiled.

Our 4th globie member, Taring Hu has been unveiled. Taring is our high energy, big personality TIGER, check out her character design on the globie site and follow all her socials.
Her streaming debut will begin early next month!


Ibuki Björn has arrived!

Our 3rd globie member, Ibuki Björn has been unveiled.

Bjorn is our usually comfy, yet occasionally feral POLAR BEAR, check out his character design on the globie site and follow all his socials.
His streaming debut will begin early next month!


Reina Ronronea has arrived!

Our 2nd globie member, Reina Ronronea has been unveiled.

Reina is our streetwise rockstar CAT, check out her character design on the globie site and follow all her socials.
Her streaming debut will begin early next month!


Kumanui Miel has arrived!

Our 1st globie member, Kumanui Miel has been unveiled.

Miel is our multilingual bear, check out her character design on the globie site and follow her all her socials.
Her streaming debut will begin early next month!


globie 2nd Gen Auditions Open!

globie 2nd Gen Auditions Open!

We are searching for the next generation of international VTubers, if you are interested in joining globie for our 2nd Gen, please feel free to apply at the following link: https://bit.ly/45Ua2rs


Official globie Website Open!

The official website for globie is now launched!

We will now be sharing information about our members, merchandise, and future media releases. Please check back anytime for the latest globie information